Just bought new speaker.. Before this I use altec lansing VS4121.. Now Im upgrade to VS3251.. 5.1 ma.. kaw² punye mantap bunyik die.. Trust me! Altec Langsing provide a very wonderful,powerful and awesome speaker!! Hoho.. Now I can conquer my hostel again!!
niamah... ape cina punye blog ka, hah? Speaker baru ka? Gila ka? Skrg mau jual tv card pula ah? Chee sin. Sudala speaker lama xmo jual sawa gua.. Tada guna punya apeh.. wakakakakakaka
pembetulan.. sama gua.. soli ah.
hey my friend! i'm from Turkey.. i wonder; is that speaker system better than creative t6060? that speaker not famous in Turkey. that system price 60$ and creative t6060 110$.. if you help me, i will be happy..thanks a lot.. have a nice day
hey my friend! i'm from Turkey.. i wonder; is that speaker system better than creative t6060? that speaker not famous in Turkey. that system price 60$ and creative t6060 110$.. if you help me, i will be happy..thanks a lot.. have a nice day
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