Germany also played well when they get the first goal at 22 minutes played followed by second goal 6 minutes later.. Then, they just played defensive.. Portugal also got their first goal after hard work at 40 minutes but at second half, because Portugal keeps on attacking, their defend seems a little bit preoccupied that makes Germany score their third goal.. Even though Portugal also score their second goal later but they don't have enough time to catch up..
This is the end for Portugal in EURO 2008... Maybe next 4 years they will try better or maybe next 2 years at World Cup 2010.. Hehe.. -adios-

1 comment:
klh gak..
aku tgk 1st half je..
tp nmpk dua2 ade peluang la..
dah xdak rzki..
kalu ronaldo sorg je yg hbat xleh gak..
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