What interest me the most is when they discuss how from the first outbreak of this disease they call it swine flu, but now they changed it to influenza A H1N1.. Here is the reason.. At first, the swine flu only attact pigs, where some pigs wil die from it, but at the same time, there exist other flu such as bird flu from the birds which also attact the pigs.. There also human flu which also inside the pigs.. Haha.. Too much things! Now even I having headache..
Simply, pigs have a ability to accept all types of virus from human flu, bird flu and also swine flu and also at the same time, pigs also has the ability to recreate this virus into another types of virus which is dangerous to us human that they called it influeza A H1N1 (this is the name of the disease)... So, the mastermind here is the pigs!
That's why when the first outbreak they called if swine flu, but WHO changed it to a more accurate flu that now they called it inluenza A H1N1.. As we know, the spreading of flu is by the air.. So this is a very dangerous disease! Actually this influenza A H1NA has attack human once on 1918 which killed 50-100 million people (I read it on wikipedia).. So, this disease is back!
In Islam, we cannot eat pigs! In Al-Qur'an also, Allah S.W.T has said many time for us to avoid dealing with this pigs because they can cause many disease since for pigs everything is food.. Even other religion forbid us to eat something that will harm ourself in this case pigs! So, no offense PIGS!
Above is the diagram I've got from wikipedia.. Maybe you can click the link for more information.. wikipedia
So, stay healthy, avoid cigarettes, drugs and pigs!