Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hari Raya Mood.............


Wahhh!! Lamenye tak bukak blog!! Busy and busyy and busy and busy... and busy.. and busy... Hahaha.. Sudah2!! Busy la sangat... Actually my time management lately was a little bit ke laut.. I don't know why but it seems my works was never finished!! Plus Hari Raya just around the corner.. Less than 5 days before Raya and I still stucked in my office finishing this never-ending-works!!!

Still no clothes for Hari Raya... Hahaha.. I always choose last minute when preparing for Hari Raya.. Why?? Because I really hate a place where there are too much people around.. Huhu.. But logically, last minute means more people are there! What a failed plan??? Hahaha, but since Monday, I think my head are attached too much to Hari Raya celebration..

When I used my calculater, I always hit the wrong numbers... When I try to solve some calculus problem, my mind is like pending... It doesn't know where to go.. Is this is the one so called the Hari Raya Mood??? Maybe laaaaa....

Selamat Hari Raya.. Drive carefully... Maaf Zahir Batin...

Again, my excuse to my students: Since I am still not married, no "duit raya" for you guys k... Hahaha..

Till next post...


Noni said...

Alasan tak nak bagi duit raya je kan tu? Hehehehe...

Selamat Hari Raya, bro! Jemputlah datang beraya ke rumah hamba :D

Hafizhamzah said...

Biase le tu.. hehe.. insyaallah..