Monday, April 07, 2008

Papa to Musume no Nanonakan

How your relationship with your father? close or not? As far I know mostly teenager of course girl ecspecially, their relationship with their father is not very closed compare to your mother.. Why huh? I do not know la.. You might have your own reason.. but not all, some are very close... This is the story about a relationship between a father and her daughter.. Papa to Musume no Nanonakan or in english Seven Days of Father and Daughter.. Starring Aragaki Yui ( she is cute.. hehe) it is about a teen girl who is not very close to her father (if she want somthing, she will ask her mother to ask from her father)... Father try to repair their relationship but somehow it always spoiled.. One day, they go back to their village where her grandmother gives them a fruit called peach (you know it right?).. She say that the peach is a legend peach where it only grow every 10 years but she forget to tell them what the legend is all about.. When they are going back to home, they had the peaches as their lunch when suddenly the train met an accident, here is where the father try all his best to protect her daughter... When they wake up.. Cling!! They already changed (the mind only, where the father mind into the daughter body and so happen to the daughter).. That's where the story begin.. The daughter had to live as an adult while the father had to live as student... Many thing happen in between (some are funny, some are quiet sad, some are i don't know what to say).. Until the grandmother comes to visit and tell them the true legend of the peach.. So they try to find the peach at their village.. Here they met again an accident where they fall on the mountain.. And as the wake up.. Hoho.. (try to think what hapen??) Of course, the are back to normal, but according to the legend if their relation for the next 7 days are not repaired, they will change back where it will be permanent for this time.. Haha.. As predicted.. their relation becomes better and they started to understand each other a lot.. That's all.. You need to watch it then you will get the "feel".. Hehe.. And my advise do not eat peach if you are not very close with your father.. Haha..just kidding..

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