Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chinese Lokam

I just back from Giant Supermarket.. Since it is almost Chinese New Year there are SALE everywhere! However I'm not going there for shopping, just to look around to release tension a little bit.. in fact, I do not plan on buying anything.. Of course since it is Chinese New Year, one of the most "hot" thing is the oranges, they called it Chinese Lokam..

It has the same look as orange, in fact it is orange! But in different race, just like us human.. It has a very soft skin that easy for us to open compared to other type of oranges... There are many types of oranges huh! But the taste is still the same, a little bit of sour and little bit of sweet...

This Lokam is a must have in Chinese New Year celebration.. For them, receiving fresh fruits at the new year is the symbol of new beginning life at the new year.. It is also means luck, wealth and good fortune.. That's why Chinese will bought it,sometimes I think too much for a small family (how they are going to finish it??? I wonder???)..

For me, I like the taste of this Lokam oranges.. How to choose a good one?? I'm not really sure, but my mom once said that her friends told her that, if there are many "riang-riang" (what do they call it in English??? try to look at this picture if you recognize it) that year, the oranges will taste really sweet.. This insect can produce a very loud sound if it is disturbed! But for me, I just pick a carton contains 24 pieces and just pay it.. Haha..

Sometimes I got a sweet one but sometime not.. It depends on your luck! Hehe.. But the one I just bought is sweet (my first try, and I'm lucky!)... Happy Chinese New Year for those who are celebrating! -adios-

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