Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Try.. try.. try...


Where there is desire...
There is gonna be a flame...
Where there is a flame...
Someone's bound to get burn...
But just because it burn...
Doesn't mean you gonna die...
You got to get up and try.. TRY.. TRY... 

A part of lyrics from Pink - Try.. One of her latest song... Awesome song... But I really love this part of the lyrics... Because if we going through the whole song, it is about a girl who had been betrayed by her boyfriend... bla..bla..blaa... Sorry, I am a men... So I don't have a boyfriend! Muahaha.. Straight hokay!

So the words today is TRY! Mostly we will couple the words try with something new.. Means that when you want to try, there must be something new... It doesn't matter if it is the new shirts, clothes or whatever or maybe it is the new experience... Or it can be a new car, new girlfriend.. opssss... hahaha... new order of your house... and many more lah.. try thinking about it yourself...

The main things here is when you are trying, you will of course gain a new experience.. and trust me experience makes us more mature.. from time to time we will gain new experience.. just because we are not afraid of trying... so if you are afraid to try, then try to think again.. see??? even thinking also need us to be brave of trying... huhu...

But why people are trying? Yes! Pink has already gives the answer... Where there is desire there gonna be a flame... So people are full of desire... Don't lie to me! People never satisfy! Yezza, even myself... That's why they try to be a better person with better life, salary and more... Huhu... So in order to fulfilled the desire, your spirit will suddenly raised to become a flame which will lead you to try...

So people out there! Don't ever give up your life... I know life was never easy for some of us.. Sometimes it feel so hard, sometimes it is really easy but remember never quit trying...

You get to up and try.. try.. try...

May ALLAH bless us...

#I've told it... Huhu..

Till next post....

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